Although today’s entertainment media exists well and truly within a digital domain, a lingering desire by consumers for tangible mediums still remains. Despite MP3s being readily available on iTunes at the click of a button, vinyl sales persist and whilst digital music production is the go-to of the everyman, to record in an analogue studio is still the benchmark for many musicians and producers. Entering the physical end of this spectrum is Qleek, a new system of crafted wooden blocks that trigger digital playback when placed onto a custom reader.
Designed by Paris-based studio Ozenge, Qleek consists of the pre-stated blocks, dubbed, Tapps, and a wood-finished base, which the hexagonal Tapps fit into. Each Tapp holds a piece of digital content, which, when slotted into the base, will be read and played through the user’s connected device. From albums, to podcasts or YouTube playlists, Qleek offers a decorative and aesthetically streamlined means of storing and playing music, designed to fit into its surrounding environment. Yes, it’s nostalgic and ultimately, unnecessary, but Qleek does provide a visually appealing alternative for storing and accessing content, and with its simple elegance, is bound to appeal to those with an insatiable preference for the physical world over the digital one.
