London designer Asif Khan is set to bring his skewed, digital take on sculpture to the Sochi Winter Olympics with a new interactive installation dubbed the “Mount Rushmore of the digital age”. Titled MegaFaces, Khan’s installation will scan visitors’ faces and recreate them as 3D renderings against the facade of a building on-site.
Starting by photographing a participant’s face from different angles, five scans will be compiled into a single 3D image which is processed by an engine and cable system attached to over 10,000 narrow cylinders, called actuators, to recreate the shape of the face when extended. Each actuator is connected to an RGB-LED light, making it possible to accurately calculate the position of each pixel scanned. A fabric membrane is then stretched across the facade to give the installation a smooth surface.
With the whole process taking about the same time as having your photo taken in a photo booth, we can see a fair few of Sochi’s 170,000 visitors giving MegaFaces a go. Images will be queued up on a digital scheduler and participants will be informed of when they can expect to see their likeness on the wall. Users will also receive a 20 second video of the process so that they can relive the memory once the event is over.
MegaFaces will be constructed on the exterior of a pavilion owned by Russian telecom operator MegaFon and will be exhibited during the course of the Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games.
